code- switching from Libyan Dialect to Saudi Dialect
Journal Article


Burnia Hussain Almokhtar Ahmed, Hana Abduassalam Mohamed mosaa, (12-2023), جامعة نالوت: مجلة لسان القلم, 2 65-77

Difficulties of Reading Comprehension Faced by Some Libyan Secondary School Students
Journal Article


Entesar Ramadan Asenni Ali, (06-2023), ليبيا: مجلة القلم المبين, 14 (4), 33-51

The impact of using Total Physical Response in teaching vocabulary to younger learners in Assaba area
Journal Article

رابط البحث


The impact of using Total Physical Response in teaching vocabulary to younger learners in Assaba area (Jandoba Preparatory School)

Waleed aldhawi almishraqi

Faculty of Arts –Assaba

University of Gharyan


The purpose of this study is to ascertain whether teaching vocabulary to students through Total Physical Response is effective. The 8th grade and his English teacher at Jandob Preparatory School were the case study of this paper. In collecting data, the researcher used test and interview. The tests were used to know the improvement of the vocabulary after using TPR method. Meanwhile, the interview was used to know to what extend teacher know TPR. According to tests results showed that improvement of students after using TPR from 41.6% to 74.2%andthe information obtained from the teacher's interview shown that he was unaware of TPR. The findings of the study support the idea that TPR improve students' vocabulary understanding.

Key words : Total physical response(TPR), vocabulary, students, elementary, pupils.

هدف هذه الدراسة هو التأكد مما إذا كان تدريس المفردات للطلاب من خلال الاستجابة الجسدية الكلية فعالًا. وكانت دراسة حالة الصف الثامن ومعلم اللغة الإنجليزية في مدرسة جندوبة الإعدادية هي موضوع هذه الورقة. في جمع البيانات، استخدم الباحث الاختبار والمقابلة. استخدمت الاختبارات لمعرفة تحسين المفردات بعد استخدام طريقة الاستجابة الجسدية الكلية. في حين استخدمت المقابلة لمعرفة مدى دراية المعلم بالاستجابة الجسدية الكلية. ووفقًا لنتائج الاختبارات، أظهرت تحسينًا في مستوى المفردات للطلاب بعد استخدام الاستجابة الجسدية الكلية من 41.6٪ إلى 74.2٪ ، وأظهرت معلومات المقابلة التي تم الحصول عليها من المعلم أنه غير مدرك للتقنية. تدعم نتائج الدراسة فكرة أن الاستجابة الجسدية الكلية تحسن فهم المفردات لدى الطلاب

كلمات مفتاحية: الاستجابة الجسدية الكلية (TPR) ، المفردات ، الطلاب ، المرحلة الإعدادية  ، الطلاب.


Waleed Aldhawi Kareem Almishraqi, (12-2022), جامعة الزاوية: مجلة رواق الجكمة, 12 (1), 59-78

Errors Committed by English Majors in Using some Punctuation Marks
Journal Article
  • Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate some punctuation errors made by English majors at Faculty of Arts, Assab'ah, University of Gheryan. To reach to this goal, the researchers administered a test to a group of 12 students, 2 males and 10 females. The results revealed that the most common errors committed by the participants were: wrong capitalization, misuse of the comma, the inappropriate use of full stop, dropping question marks, and some problems in using hyphen and quotation marks. In the light of the study findings, the researchers suggests that teachers should emphasize the importance of all the punctuation marks in writing. Key words: punctuation, committed, Majors, errors.

Waleed Aldhawi Kareem Almishraqi, (06-2022), جامعة غريان: مجلة القلم المبين, 12 (2), 1-36

Problems encounter Libyan University Students in Translating Libyan Proverbs into English Language
Journal Article


This study aims to discover the problems that face Libyan university

students when translating Libyan proverbs into English. It also focuses on

the techniques applied by the students in the translation process. To

achieve the goals, the researchers asked the study participants to

translate about ten Libyan proverbs into Arabic. The sample of this study

consisted of twelve second year students specialized in translation from

the English department in the Assabha Faculty of Arts. The results

showed that some students faced problems in transferring the meaning of

Libyan proverbs into the target language (English). This could be

attributed to the different culture between both languages (i.e. Arabic and

English) The results also revealed that the participants used literal

translation method as their primary strategy. Translation tutors and

curriculum designers need to focus on the effective strategies to achieve

the correct translation of Libyan proverbs into English

Waleed Aldhawi Kareem Almishraqi, Abdulmjeed Emhmmed Khalefi almogatef, (12-2021), المركز الثقافي بن خليفة: مجلة الجبل للعلوم التطبيقة والانسانية, 8 (1), 23-36

The Challenges which Face Students of English at Faculty of Arts Assabaa in Writing composition
Journal Article


Burnia Hussain Almokhtar Ahmed, Hana Abduassalam Mohamed mosaa, (12-2021), جامعة غريان: مجلة القلم المبين, 11 (2), 1-12

Problems in Teaching Listening to Libyan 3rd Year Secondary School Students ( Assaba Area
Journal Article


Although listening skill plays a significant role in daily communication and

education process in teaching English , listening subject has long been neglected

in second language teaching. This study aims to explore problems, difficulties

and barriers in teaching listening to Libyan students in our case study Alassaba

area, 3rd year secondary science school, Mosab Ben Omer Secondary School

and Omer Ben Alkhtab Secondary school. The participants of our study were 5

teachers. Classroom observation and teacher’s interview are used for data

collection. It is found that all teachers were using grammar translation method

in teaching listening. Most classes were uncomfortable learning atmosphere,

beside the absence of technology which used and facilitate teaching listening.

The findings based on data analysis and discussion may be of a great

significance to find solutions for these problems and improving the way of

teaching listening

Waleed Aldhawi Kareem Almishraqi, Abdulmjeed Emhmmed Khalefi almogatef, (07-2021), جامعة غريان: مجلة المنارة, 4 (1), 252-246

Investigation of the use and function of cohesive devices in translating English Arabic texts in terms of literary prose
Journal Article


Cohesion is one of the most important characteristics of good translation. Having a good translation is not achieved unless this factor is carefully observed. We may find students who have good mastery of spelling, grammatical rules and the skill of speaking but have noticeable weaknesses of using cohesive devices when they translate literary prose texts from Arabic into English. This study tries to examine the use of cohesive devices by University students when they translate literary prose text from Arabic into English. Texts used as a tool or instrument of data collection were given to some students to translate. The participants, in their translations, depended on certain devices ignoring the others. The subjects disregarded completely some categories of cohesive devices, such as the class of possessive pronouns, comparative reference, ellipsis, and substitution. Students sometimes misused the items, such as what happened with ‘the’. Many students were unable to vary the language (expressions) they used to express their ideas. Students sometimes succeeded in achieving cohesiveness but sometimes failed. A number of students did not end the sentences they wrote and started new ones.

Abdulmjeed Emhmmed Khalefi almogatef, Waleed Aldhawi Kareem Almishraqi, (01-2020), جامعة غريان: مجلة المنارة, 1 (1), 187-217

Problems facing english university students in paragraph writing
Journal Article

Most students do not know how to compose a good piece of writing

Ali Ahmed Rahima Rahima, (12-2014), جمعية جبل نفوسة للتنمية: مجلة صدى المعرفة, 2 (1), 1-25

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